© Egton Medical Information Systems Limited.
Registered in England and Wales.
Patient Access is the name of the service which is delivered by EMIS Health on behalf of many GP practices to enable patients to access a variety of GP services online.
Registered number: 02117205
Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds LS19 6BA.
Patient is a UK registered trade mark.
Why have I received this email?
These newsletters are sent to a broad range of Patient Access users who have opted in to receiving marketing materials. We send newsletters highlighting common issues and ailments which are likely to be of general interest to our users. These newsletters may be sponsored by third parties, who may offer services in relation to the relevant conditions in the newsletters. They are generic and not sent based on anything in your medical record or that you may have discussed with your doctor. However, if you'd rather not receive them, you can unsubscribe here.